La Roca Village
La Roca Village Talks
Talks about universal subjects with an intention.
#content #event #invitees #strategy #production
La Roca Village, the destination for shopping lovers 40min from Barcelona, wanted to get closer to the local target. How to make this rather tourist destination be attractive to local customers? Position La Roca Village and bring the shopping destination closer to a local target of professionals of reference and influence in different fields and sectors.
We create a series of monthly talks with guests who are referents in each subject.

The talks are about the future and debate the different topics that are the focus of interest right now such as women, talent, gastronomy, interior design and metaverse, among many other things. Talks with a twist to try to improve our future, or at least talk about it.

A way to revitalize The Apartment space and attract a more local audience. Demonstrating that the La Roca Village experience goes far beyond shopping.

After each talk, an article is published in La Vanguardia newspaper.


Architecture and interior design




Talks about universal and trendy subjects