Welcome home
Somos Nido
#digitalstrategy #claim #logo #content #brandbook #storytelling #design #image #vision
Build the brand story of Nido – an interior design studio specializing in creating homes – and design its positioning. Redesign the brand and expand the company's communication in both B2B and B2C. Communicate brand values to differentiate them from the competition and improve their positioning.
We developed a digital storytelling and brandbook defining who Nido is and connecting with their customers, both b2b and b2c – visual identity, tone of voice, values, style, hashtags, and content plan.

We created a brand story based on the claim “Welcome home” bringing together three concepts to redefine the concept of home: warmth, well-being, and shelter. We defined the brandbook – graphic style, typography, photo style, colors – with a close, human and simple brand voice based on Nido’s values. A project that marks a before and after in interior design.

Creating homes